Substance Use Peer Services
Welcome to Outside In! We offer peer support and substance use disorder treatment programs as well as harm reduction services. Our programs are free of charge, available to all, and guided by a harm reduction model where everyone deserves respect and is a valued member of the community.
If you would like to connect with our compassionate Peer Support Specialists or start a Medically Assisted Treatment plan in a non-judgmental space, please call 503-535-3852 or fill out the short form below, and we will contact you with more information.
Our Peer Support Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm.

Who is eligible
Everyone ages 16 and up
Outside In
1226 SW 12th Ave
Portland, OR 97205
Call 503-535-3852
or fill out the contact form below
About Measure 110
Oregon voters passed Measure 110 to better serve people actively using substances or diagnosed with a substance use disorder. The goal was to establish a more equitable and effective approach to substance use disorder. Advocates and voters agree that a holistic, health-based approach to addressing addiction and overdoses is more helpful, caring and cost-effective than punishing and criminalizing people who need help.
Measure 110 centers on equity, based on the knowledge that communities of color and tribal communities are disproportionately harmed by laws that criminalize drug possession. People in these communities are less likely to have access to culturally and linguistically specific and responsive services (and health services, generally), and experience greater harm from using drugs. Measure 110 makes health assessment, low-barrier access to care, low barrier treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services available to all those who need and want access to those services.*
*Source: Oregon Health Authority
Peer Support Contact Form
Success Stories