
Come Together

 At Outside In, your time and talent truly make a difference.

Our volunteers help support people who need health care, and youth experiencing homelessness who need basic resources like meals and hygiene supplies. Volunteers also provide a variety of administrative supports.

We have sevearal volunteer positions currently available and in need of extra hands, though please note that needs and availability may change frequently.

To get started, please complete our online application here, and feel free to email our Human Resources team at HR@outsidein.org with any questions.


  • Our age requirement is 21 or over
  • Our clients are best served by consistent and reliable volunteers.
  • Outside In is currently recruiting people willing to make a 100 hour commitment.
  • Volunteers must pass a background check.
  • Most current volunteer positions occur Monday through Friday, with an option to volunteer in our Cafe program on Sundays


If you are interested in joining our team, please apply here. If we have a position that fits your skills, interests, and availability, we will contact you to schedule an interview. We encourage anyone interested in volunteering to attend our organization presentation, Presenting Outside In.

Click here to read about one of our amazing volunteer’s experience at Outside In.

Medical Volunteers

If you are a licensed medical provider interested in volunteering, please apply here. Medical professionals that volunteer with Outside In will need to provide additional information to become indemnified through the Multnomah County Health Department. A minimum of basic CPR must be maintained for the duration of volunteering.

Please email our Human Resources team at HR@outsidein.org with any questions.

Get Involved

Volunteer Application
Medical Professional Volunteer Application
Current Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, complete an application here or email boardpresident@outsidein.org 

Success Stories


As a patient at Outside In, the dignity, compassion, and respect that I was shown by staff truly had a lasting impact on me and directly resulted in me wanting to get involved in helping my community.


Outside In made me want to be around excellence. Outside In shaped me. It taught me how to be kind to people less fortunate.


When I came out as trans and reached out to the community for help, everyone had something good to say about Outside In.


Through these connections I was able to get into school and graduate as a Certified Medical Assistant


Through Outside In’s guidance and support, I was in my own apartment completely self-sufficient within a week.


If you met me today, you might never imagine I spent countless nights sleeping under the Burnside Bridge.


I wanted independence and stability. I wanted to belong. I found Outside In.


Housing at Outside In is so much more than a roof over your head. The staff is helpful and amazing. They were always there for us anticipating our needs. Finally, we weren’t hungry anymore and we were safe.


I feel safe at Outside In. I love Outside In people. How they love us, care for us. The wonderful and fresh food, the health care, the accommodations, the hospitalities. People talking to me, listening to me. Changing lives. It is a great moment.


By the time I was 17, I didn't trust anybody...except Outside In. The staff took my concerns seriously, and took a holistic approach. They protected me.