Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery Supports

Get Help for Mental Health and Substance Use

We provide mental health and substance use services for young adults. Our treatment is trauma-informed. That means we understand past trauma and how it can affect your health. We utilize a harm reduction approach to teach ways to reduce negative health consequences associated with substance use and risky behaviors that don’t require abstinence.

Who is eligible

Individuals who are screened into the Multnomah County Homeless Youth Continuum and meet diagnostic criteria.


Outside In
1132 SW 13th Ave, Second Floor
Portland, OR 97205



By Appointment Only

Our unique approach

  • Engagement approach focused on reducing barriers to accessing treatment
  • Trauma-informed
  • Gender and LGBTQIA+ affirming
  • Harm reduction treatment approaches
  • Wrap-around supports
  • Flexible options for personalized treatment
  • Peer Support

The ROSE Program (Recovery Oriented Supports and Engagement)

Substance use specialists and peer mentors help you on your path to recovery without judgement or intimidation. We provide support through harm reduction, goal setting, and treatment referrals. We are focused on creating genuine connections, identifying your options, and respecting your choices. For more information, email us at or call 503.593.7389.

Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment

Combined care for mental health and any substance use concerns with two program options.

  • Outpatient Treatment – Individual and group therapy focused on DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy teaches mindfulness and skill building to manage emotions, distress, and interpersonal relationships. Participants are eligible to receive psychiatric medication management.
  • ACT Treatment (RISE) – Our team includes substance use and mental health counseling, peer support, housing case management, employment and education support, nurse case management, and psychiatric medication management. Our providers work together using an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) model to support you in taking the next steps in building the life that you want.

For more information, email

Read more info here.

Success Stories


Outside In has been there for me at my lowest, giving me support and strength in my recovery.


Since getting treatment, I’m doing much better and starting to give back to the communities I love.


All along the way Outside in had my back.

Jay and Christian

Thankfully Outside In is there for us to help navigate healthcare, mental health, childcare, and so much more. Now, our future is looking bright.


Outside In has helped make it easy to take care of myself for a change.