Accessing Your Medical Records

Under HIPAA, you have the right to access and receive a copy of your medical records. To request a copy of your records, or, to authorize disclosure of your records or health information to another individual (for example, family or friends) or another doctor’s office: please download and complete our Release of Information (ROI) form below.

For best results, download the form and then fill it out in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Don’t fill it out in your web browser, because it won’t let you sign it that way. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free from this link.

Según la ley HIPAA, usted tiene derecho a acceder y recibir una copia de sus registros médicos. Para solicitar una copia de su archivo médico de otro consultorio o para autorizar la divulgación de su archivo médico o información médica a otra persona (por ejemplo, familiares o amigos) o a otro consultorio: descargue y complete nuestro formulario de Divulgación de información (ROI).

Para obtener los mejores resultados, descargue el formulario y luego complételo en Adobe Acrobat Reader. No lo complete en su navegador web, porque no le permitirá firmarlo de esa manera. Puede descargar Adobe Acrobat Reader gratis desde este enlace.

Release of Information Form

Formulario de Divulgación de Información

Please submit the finished form to us by:




Outside In, Attn. Medical Records
1132 SW 13th Ave
Portland, OR 97205


If you like, you may complete and return an ROI to your Outside In provider’s office. The front desk also has blank forms available for you to complete while at any of our clinics.

En Persona

Si usted quiere también puede traer el formulario completo a nuestra clínica durante nuestras horas de operación. En la recepción de cualquiera de nuestras oficinas también están disponibles los formularios en blanco para los pacientes que los necesiten. 

Additional Patient forms/Documentos adicionales

Revocation of Release of Information
Revocación de Divulgación de Información
Request to Amend Medical Records
Formulario para emendar el archivo medico de una

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor contáctenos:

Phone: 503.535.3860 and ask to speak to Medical Records
Teléfono: 503.535.3860 y pida hablar con el departamento de archivos médicos

For additional information on HIPAA and your rights as a patient:
Para saber más sobre la ley HIPPA y sobre sus derechos como paciente por favor visite el siguiente sitio web:

Success Stories


As a patient at Outside In, the dignity, compassion, and respect that I was shown by staff truly had a lasting impact on me and directly resulted in me wanting to get involved in helping my community.


Outside In made me want to be around excellence. Outside In shaped me. It taught me how to be kind to people less fortunate.


When I came out as trans and reached out to the community for help, everyone had something good to say about Outside In.


Through these connections I was able to get into school and graduate as a Certified Medical Assistant


Through Outside In’s guidance and support, I was in my own apartment completely self-sufficient within a week.


If you met me today, you might never imagine I spent countless nights sleeping under the Burnside Bridge.


I wanted independence and stability. I wanted to belong. I found Outside In.


Housing at Outside In is so much more than a roof over your head. The staff is helpful and amazing. They were always there for us anticipating our needs. Finally, we weren’t hungry anymore and we were safe.


I feel safe at Outside In. I love Outside In people. How they love us, care for us. The wonderful and fresh food, the health care, the accommodations, the hospitalities. People talking to me, listening to me. Changing lives. It is a great moment.


By the time I was 17, I didn't trust anybody...except Outside In. The staff took my concerns seriously, and took a holistic approach. They protected me.