Farewell to Heather Brown
Best wishes to Heather Brown, Outside In's Youth Services DirectorWe are sending gratitude, love, and best wishes to Heather Brown, Outside In’s Youth Services Director, who retired earlier this month after 23 years of service to Outside In – and to youth experiencing...
Welcome Kathleen Carter, our new Health Services Director
Welcome to Outside In, Kathleen!We are so excited for you to meet Kathleen Carter, Outside In's new Health Services Director. Kathleen wanted to share some introductory words with all of you! Hi everyone! My name is Kathleen Carter, and I am so excited to be joining...
A Message of Gratitude from Executive Director, Patricia Patrón
As 2020 closes and a new year begins, Outside In's Executive Director, Patricia Patrón, offers words of gratitude for our clients, staff, donors, volunteers, and community partnersPatricia's Video Message Transcript Hi. I'm Patricia Patrón, Executive Director at...
Outside In’s Holiday Wish List
Help us ensure that every young person at Outside In receives a gift for the holidays.Outside In is committed to offering community and support to the homeless youth we work with. Together we can help homeless youth know they are cared for and valued. Our goal is to...
Advocate to Protect Trans Youth
Trans rights are human rights. Take action today to protect transgender youth across the nation.There are currently over 80 pieces of legislation being considered across the country that would harm transgender people - and transgender youth, especially. While we...
Hepatitis C Information and Treatment at Outside In
Hepatitis C can be treated!Hepatitis C Information and Treatment What is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Hepatitis C can range from a mild illness lasting a few months to a serious, long-term illness. Hepatitis C...
Advocate to Extend the Eviction Moratorium in Oregon
Help Outside In advocate for eviction protection and renter assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. UPDATE: The eviction moratorium has been extended in Multnomah County to July, 2021. The Oregon state legislature is meeting on Monday, December 21st for a special...
How YOU Can Support the Asian American Community
Your voice matters! Here are some resources for you to learn and take action to support our Asian American community. The violence of the past month has been weighing heavily on our hearts. We grieve for the lives lost in Atlanta and Boulder, and we grieve for the...
Kathy Oliver Scholarship Supports Outside In Youth Advancing Their Education
Everyone should have access to an education, especially young people who have experienced homelessness.The Kathy Oliver Scholarship Fund was established in 2018 to honor the life’s work of Outside In’s longtime Executive Director. Kathy led the agency for nearly four...
Messages of Gratitude from Outside In’s Staff
I am so grateful to walk into work and know that I am home.2020 has been quite the year, often full of heartbreak, loneliness, discomfort, fear, loss, and discouragement (some might even say – a dumpster fire of a year!). And yet – we so often hear Outside In staff...
Success Stories